The Slinky Effect
The weekly micro-decorating newsletter * Issue 9 of 13, F23 *
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Is fear of Rubik's cubes a medical
Juxtapose: micro-decorating move #14
The weekly micro-decorating newsletter * Issue 8 of 13, F23 *
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"Juxtapose" may be a fancy-sounding verb, but
Link roundup – more of everything
The weekly micro-decorating newsletter * Issue 7 of 13, F23 *
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Every so often, this newsletter pauses to gather up
How to shoplift ideas
The weekly micro-decorating newsletter * Issue 6 of 13, F23 *
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Shoplifting may be against the law, but there'
Pumpkins versus gourds
The weekly micro-decorating newsletter * Issue 5 of 13, F23 *
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If you love the colour orange, this is your
In praise of waviness
The weekly micro-decorating newsletter * Issue 4 of 13, F23 *
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One of the fastest ways to add some enjoyment
The lost world of desk decor
The weekly micro-decorating newsletter * Issue 3 of 13, F23 *
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What's on your desktop? I don'
Randomize: micro-decorating move #13
The weekly micro-decorating newsletter * Issue 2 of 13, F23 *
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Even the best decorating ideas can turn oppressive when
Breakfast at the Manulife Centre
The weekly micro-decorating newsletter * Issue 1 of 13, F23 *
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September is when the Great Indoors beckons. The imminent
Cleaning as therapy
The weekly micro-decorating newsletter * Issue 13 of 13, SS23 *
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As a kid, I was always wowed by our