2 min read

On new beginnings

2023 planner on a marble tabletop, along with a plant and a pen.

Happy New Year! A whole calendar's worth of experiences awaits us, and we still have time to pause and reflect on what we hope for in 2023.

As guy with an eye, I'm always looking for clues about what's up ahead – and last October, I found one that stuck in my mind. I was out walking in Toronto's west end on a holiday, a Mental Health Day that my company holds twice a year. Passing by an auto repair shop, I came across this inspiring sign:

Sign at an auto repair shop with the words: "Repeat after me: I'm about to walk into the greatest season of my life!"

Who was the mysterious stranger issuing this command? The message sounded urgent and persuasive, right down to the red exclamation mark, even though I had no idea who wrote it or why.

I snapped this picture to preserve the moment, and I came back to it in the early days of this year. I'm taking it on as a guidepost for what's next and I encourage you to do the same.

I started this newsletter a year and a half ago to share tips on how to be happier at home – newly challenging in a time of pandemic-induced confinement. I'm just as committed now to helping you find fresh ways to enjoy your environment more.

Like this sign implies, so much of it is about a shift in perspective, a decision to make what's right in front of you amazing. Not someday, not tomorrow, but now.

So, in this new 13-week season, I'll be sharing more micro-decorating moves, more how-to tips, and more design inspo. Plus, our list of embedded videos will keep growing. I'll also continue listening to you for your ideas, questions, and feedback.

Want to get in touch? Just hit Reply and send me a message. I'm always glad to hear from you, even if it's simply hello.

We're on this journey together. And I'm pleased to have you on board.
