In praise of black and white

The weekly micro-decorating newsletter * Issue 1 of 13, SS24 *
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Welcome to the Spring-Summer '24 season of guy with an eye! I've been missing you. It's great to have you along for a fresh thirteen-week adventure in improving the smallest details of your space.

When the mercury rises, it's a lot harder to be stylish. The practical concern of beating the heat tends to outweigh any deliberation over what message your look is conveying. An easy way to achieve both goals at once is to stick to cool and classic black and white.

That was my thinking when I nabbed this short-sleeved shirt this past weekend at a thrift shop called Common Sort. It's on standby for my city excursions on the hottest days ahead:

You can use this shortcut at home as well. You may be tempted to go for colourful accessories to match the season's chaos and intensity, but opt for touches of black and white instead and you'll channel the nonchalant elegance of a penguin.

In my apartment, there's a bit of this going on in almost every room. The entryway has a hide-covered stool and a trio of black and white umbrellas:

The kitchen has a kettle with a marbled enamel surface:

In the dining room, a Thomas vase overlooks the scene with the insistent stare of a Cyclops:

Meanwhile, in the bedroom, black and white textiles keep the temperature in check:

And of course my home office has the ubiquitous fashion tome that we mocked at the end of last season.

One of the great things about black and white accessories is you can mix them with abandon. My favourite side table hosts an ever-changing set of objects that are often in complete sync with its restrained palette:

You probably already have black and white things at home to test the waters with. If you're up for splurging on something timeless, I recommend these zebra-inspired pillows, available at Toronto's Studio Pazo:

The Finnish company Artek has been producing this design since the thirties, and chances are it will still look as current a hundred years from now.

Guy's buys

If I had the space, I'd snap up this coffee table now available at Guff. Its white beams casting black shadows are sure to add a graphic punch to your living room:


A classic Canadian music video is celebrating its fortieth anniversary over on YouTube and it's right in line with this week's theme. Have a look:

Like many videos from that era, it has a delightfully handcrafted feel. The imagery could inspire your next home renovation project – or perhaps a really snazzy summer outfit.

Over to you

Got a story about how you're using black and white in your home decor? Share your tips in the Comments section below.

And if you have a topic you'd like to see explored in an upcoming issue, send me a note. This newsletter is your playground and I'm ready to take on any design questions you may have. Guy with an eye is all about learning to be happier at home, and I'm learning right alongside you.

Welcome back, my friend!

Thank you for reading.