How to bring architecture home

The weekly micro-decorating newsletter * Issue 2 of 13, SS23 *
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Welcome to the seventy-fifth edition of guy with an eye!

If you've been here from the start, thank you for your enduring support. And if you're relatively new to this, please make yourself at home. Whatever your state, I'm here to help you get more out of your surroundings.

One thing I love about this time of year is finally slowing down to enjoy the city. Warmer days mean no more rushing to somewhere indoors, but instead appreciating where I am at the moment, wherever that may be.

I look up more, studying buildings as they tilt their facades to a different angle with my every step. I've always found exteriors and the shared structure of the city to be the best inspiration for designing life at home.

Take one of my favourite sights on Bloor Street, the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Completed in 1970, it's a striking mid-century landmark that always makes me pause in admiration: