Guy with an eye is one!

It's hard to believe, but this past Sunday was the one-year anniversary of this newsletter's birth. Thank you for joining along in this adventure into the unexplored world of micro-decorating.

My instinct in starting this project was simple: that the pandemic had forever changed how we relate to our home environments, giving us an acute awareness of overlooked details – combined with a growing sense that tweaking these details could make inner magic happen.

One year and forty posts later and it seems that with each post there are new avenues to investigate. Even though our paths have started moving far beyond our homes, there's still an enigma to unravel at the place we keep returning to.

The other day, I unwrapped a pair of Kenneth Cole shoes and discovered this slogan at the bottom of the box:

"What matters is what moves you" could also be the rallying cry of this newsletter. In a time that seems increasingly hectic, your ability to tune in to what's soulful and what's anchoring is a skill that will serve you well.

It's a skill you can hone week by week by considering the ideas in this newsletter. Whether it's how-to tips, micro-decorating moves, hymns of praise or general inspiration, your Wednesdays will be better with guy. If you're reading this in your inbox, you'll continue to have full subscriber access to the entire year-one archive.

Over to you

I have two things to ask of you in return. First, please send me your feedback and let me know what you'd like to read about as year two begins. Secondly, think of a friend who might enjoy this newsletter too, forward it along and encourage them to subscribe.

We're creating a more attentive world, together. Let the journey continue, through summer and beyond.
