Greatest hits

The weekly micro-decorating newsletter * Issue 11 of 13, SS24 *
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This is the one-hundred-and-twenty-third issue of the newsletter, and it's as good a time as any for a replay of popular articles. Here are ten selections to get you into a creative groove, followed by how we picked them:

Side A

Name: micro-decorating move #18
Your dwelling isn't fully yours until you've taken this step.

Juxtapose: micro-decorating move #14
What happens when you place two unlikely objects side by side?

In praise of waviness
Add enjoyment to your space with this playful motif.

What's on your coffee table?
Find out why it's controversial to care about arranging things.

In praise of mystery living rooms
They're hidden in plain sight – and ready to inspire.

Side B

How to make your guests leave
Three techniques to bring the party to a close.

All the videos so far
Browse through the YouTube-enhanced back issues.

More tips on letting go
Are you hanging onto stuff too tightly?

Why vintage is better than new
Get Don Draper's perspective on the power of nostalgia.

Decorating, fast and slow
What's your ideal speed for invigorating your space?

How we selected

These picks are a combination of what subscribers found compelling and what I believe to be the best issues.

One way of looking at the success of an email newsletter is to monitor the percentage of subscribers who open it. If twenty to thirty per cent of your subscribers open a particular edition, that's considered good. At guy with an eye, the number is usually sixty per cent or more, a sign of how engaged you folks are – thank you!

I created a short list of articles that had a seventy-per-cent-or-higher open rate, fifty-five issues in total. There were five with an open rate in the eighties, and these became Side B. Out of the remaining fifty, I picked my five favourites, and these became Side A.

Finding your favourites

Did you know you can now search guy with an eye for articles you want to read again? Go to and select the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner of the site. A search box will open up. Enter a word you remember from a post title, or from the body of an article, and you'll get a list of results to choose from.

You can also search by tag – that little topic label above an article's title. The tags currently in use are: get inspired, how-to, in praise of, link roundups, and micro moves. Happy searching!

Thank you for reading.