2 min read

Barbiecore and you

Barbiecore and you

‌One thing I love about mid-December is the retrospective pleasure of looking back. Top ten list are appearing everywhere, and our own internal best-of lists are subconsciously accumulating.

I'm a big fan of New Yorker cartoons, and my favourite of 2022 was a two-page extravaganza by Roz Chast about the power of colour. Normally, I'd include a link – but in this case, I just have to share the cartoon itself. As a longtime subscriber to the magazine, I'm sure Roz won't mind.

The story, loopy as it is, felt familiar, as I've celebrated colour's electrifying impact earlier this year in an article about eating the rainbow. Not only that, I have a confession to make: hot pink is an infrequent but much-loved building block in my own decor.

For example, this coffee table book is in regular circulation, selected for its colour rather than its contents:

It's no coincidence that pink is the guy with an eye accent colour, right down to the subscribe button.

I'm not telling you to go all Barbiecore yourself – far from it. I'm simply hinting that there may be an equivalent micro-decorating move that would kick your life into high gear. Helping you find that elusive thing is why I'm writing this newsletter.

Although this is the last issue of the year, I'll be cooking up new ideas for you over the holidays. The next edition will go live on Wednesday, January 11. If you're up for more design inspo, more how-to tips, and more unconventional decorating plays, stick with me in '23. Until then:

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!

Stay stylish my friend,