All the videos so far

Ever since this newsletter began, we've been mining YouTube for videos on our theme of how to be happier at home.

You may have missed a few, and I thought it would be handy to have them all in one spot. So here's the full collection of all the issues that include video so far:

Four design lessons from An American in Paris
Watch the opening scene from Gene Kelly's classic musical for a tutorial on how to live joyfully in a small space.

How to shop for mid-century design: six dos and don'ts
Study Jacques Tati's awkwardness in "PlayTime" to rediscover how to behave at a bricks-and-mortar vintage store.

Decorating, fast and slow: choosing your velocity
Double feature! Check out a quick rundown on design master Alexander Girard and a famous scene from "Poltergeist" to figure out how to moderate your decorating speed.

In praise of ashtrays
Revel in the glamour of Rita Hayworth in "Gilda" to get a lead on how to create a seductive atmosphere at home.

There's more

Animate: micro-decorating move #3
See how Alexander Calder's mobiles activate a space and be inspired about adding movement to your decor.

Why your home needs an Aviance night
Catch a seventies fragrance commercial for a tip on how to engineer a vibe shift.

The ABBA connection
Absorb a new video by ABBA to spark ideas about making decade-defying interiors.

IKEA, Where's Waldo, and you
Peruse a scene from "Fight Club" to understand how much IKEA is too much IKEA.

There's even more

Why vintage is better than new
Let Don Draper of "Mad Men" mesmerize you with his thoughts on why the past has a hold on us.

Bachelor pad basics
Have Rock Hudson and Doris Day in "Pillow Talk" help you focus on decorating for one.

More tips on letting go
Settle into a sequence from Pixar's "Up" for a moving tribute to the power of releasing clutter.

Make it Pop
Get a taste of sculptor Claes Oldenburg's genius for a starting point on adding mischief to your environment.

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Guy with an eye chooses products to feature with complete independence and does not receive a commission on sales. Any links are provided as a convenience.

Lead photo by Catherine Heath, featuring Tigger.