
Hi there! I'm Guy Koolhof. You can call me Guy.

Let me tell you a story. On April 6, 2021, as a global pandemic raged, a career path I had been on for years simply ended without warning. Once the shock subsided, I realized the unexpected jolt had changed me forever. I knew that I had to do things differently from now on – but how?

I listened to what life was calling me to do. And in the stillness and soul-searching that followed, I heard something. A signal, faint at first, like a broadcast from another planet, then gradually coming into focus, words emerging from the crackle and noise.

I scribbled thoughts in notebooks, took dictation from whatever being or power was communicating with me. I realized that the next step was not just designing a life... it was a life in design.

In the days that followed I tinkered with service ideas and registered a name. I played with fonts and looked at the gaps in between design businesses I love. I eventually realized the key to my search was in my hybrid education.

I’ve always been drawn to both visual art and writing, resisting the pressure to choose one over the other. As a result, I completed an English degree at the University of Toronto followed by a four-year program at the Ontario College of Art and Design – where I studied the principles underlying everything from painting to the built environment.

I’m fascinated with the way our immediate surroundings tell us stories as powerful and persuasive as those in novels. A collector of vintage objects, I’m aware that the physical things we add and subtract around ourselves compose an ever-changing narrative.

I want to help you tell your story with the things you love. My goal is to become your trusted advisor as you choose things that declare who you are and that help you become who you want to be.

The services I create will be tailored to your needs, so please be in touch.

Welcome to guy with an eye. I’m happy you’re here.