5 things to try in '25

The weekly micro-decorating newsletter * Issue 1 of 13, W25 *
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Welcome! This is the first newsletter issue of 2025. This season we'll be looking at how to design a happier life at home. Regardless of what's happening beyond your front door, you have the power to shape what's inside – not just within your walls, but within your heart.

So, let's kick it off with five things you can do to feel better right now, each tied to an article from our fast-growing archives:

Invite company

Prolonged immersion in the news can make it feel like your home includes uninvited guests. The truth is we have complete control over who cohabits with us, whether for a moment or a lifetime. Get inspired about who to invite over in What teenagers know about micro-decor.

Take your time

The scenic route and the seemingly more efficient route are always competing for our preference. Deliberately choosing the option that takes longer can lead to unexpected benefits. Read Choosing the slow lane and consider how your home can be a speed bump in an accelerated world.

Look intently

Our impulse to pick a 2D experience over the 3D one surrounding us is what fuels the tech giants. That's why looking up, looking around, truly seeing the algorithm-free reality we live in is a rebel act. Read In praise of waviness for a lesson in looking, and reminder of how to make your interior a haven for sight.

Express your style

There are days when chaos seems to be our planet's operating model. That's when taking charge of something small can prove useful, building your strength for bigger challenges. Read Your shelf, your self? to learn how putting your unique spin on a part of your home can have huge benefits.

Revisit childhood

The burdens of adulthood are a lot less heavy when you realize you can relive being a kid at will. Display an object you loved when you were younger and see how it elevates your mood. Read Youthify: micro-decorating move #20 for more encouragement in temporarily reversing time.

Got a tip for living artfully at home? Hit reply and shoot me an email. Last year's article about pets was inspired by a reader, and I'm hoping to do more of the same this year.

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